

The avocado is as popular as ever; its creamy consistency make it a favorite in a wide variety of foods and drinks.

With a fat content of around 30 percent, it’s definitely rich. But this poor little fruit has a high satiation value and enough other good qualities that you can consume it with a clear conscience.

Avocados have also been around for a long time – probably about 65 million years. Mammoths devoured creamy, buttery avocados whole with great gusto. Later, the fruit was cultivated by the Aztecs, who gave it the name "Ahuacatl," from which we derive our word avocado. This is probably better so, since the correct translation would actually be "testicle," likely because of the similarity in shape. The fruit was also given another, slightly more suitable name by the people who were once the most powerful in Mexico: "forest butter."



Product & Cultivation Area

Harvest Period

Avocado puree NFC
April – September  
Avocado puree NFC
South America
October – December/January
February – April

Previous Fruit


Next Fruit
