Birch Water

Birch water – the local beverage from the north
Thanks to its nutritious contents, this trendy drink from Northern and Central Europe is taking health food stores and high-end supermarkets by storm. In these European countries, birch trees have been tapped for centuries. For three to four weeks in the spring, the slightly sweet, woody tasting liquid is extracted from hundreds of birches. The trees themselves are unharmed, since all that’s required is drilling a hole in the bark. A single birch can yield up to 200 liters of water per year.
It’s even claimed that the clear liquid destroys cellulite and has made a name for itself as an immune system booster. The water is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties and to lower cholesterol. In any case, birch water contains lots of electrolytes, practically making it an isotonic drink.
Available as:
Product & Cultivation Area |
Harvest Period |
Birch water Northern Europe |
March – April |
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